Fruity and almond-y olive oil recommendations
When I was a kid my mom bought this olive oil from Wegmans that described itself as fruity and tasting of almonds, and it was. Not "notes" of fruit and almonds, it actually tasted that way, didn't taste like olives at all. So I used it to make brownies and they were maybe the best damn brownies I've ever had.
But Wegmans stopped selling it when I was a kid, and I'm now on the west coast (in SF). When I look at EVOO labels at the store they all describe themselves as fruity, almond-y, but also peppery, spicy, etc., and I can't afford to take home a dozen or more bottles of EVOO i won't be able to use. Can anyone help me find what I'm looking for?
You should also try Costplus World Market. They have some decent brands and there might be a samples that you can try.
Here are a couple article to guide you...but not all varietals reach all markets, so be flexible in your search.