no Sherry in the house!

black bean soup, vegetarian style, lots of spices oregano, cumin, recipe calls for dry sherry-fino, none in ouse what can i use? a good Brandy? or B & B? I have syrah for wine, some sort of vinegar?



student E. March 6, 2011
this is rather unconventional, but i like to add balsamic vinegar & soy sauce to my black beans to add some extra depth (and umami!). i was skeptical at first, but have been a convert since i tried it. my boyfriend is cuban and even he likes this twist!
Peanut March 6, 2011
I wonder if Marsala would work? I think I'd go with a splash of red wine vinegar and a pinch of sugar to tame it. Lots of black bean recipes include a splash of vinegar, to brighten them up.
healthierkitchen March 6, 2011
I might use a little beer.
Blissful B. March 6, 2011
You can certainly sub the syrah or the brandy. Here are some other traditional subs for sherry:
- orange juice + a little bit of vanilla
- diluted apple cider vinegar + a little bit of sugar
cooks4fun March 6, 2011
I'd go with the Brandy, but cut back a tad on the amount.
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