
Warthog is yummy, but I've only every done leg or shoulder roasts. Was in the butcher yesterday and they had some loin, on the bone, so now I've got a three-pound cut I'm wondering what to do with. Cooking-wise, probably not that different from wild boar (flavour-wise is a different story). I'm wondering what I should do with it. Contemplating cutting it into chops and brining and braising them, perhaps with some calvados in the brine. Also saw this http://www2.food52.com/recipes/1841_cider_brined_pork_with_calvados_mustard_and_thyme and was contemplating trying, but think the game probably needs more than just a saute. Thoughts?



innoabrd March 9, 2011
BTW, I'm thinking the leftovers will make a fierce hash!
innoabrd March 9, 2011
OK, so I have to admit, it wasn't one of my best. Just somehow got it in my head that I just wanted to do it like braised pork chops and see how it came out. Just too lean, even with a brining. Tasty, but dry. What can I say, the wife has been away since sunday, so I'm cooking for myself and my seven-year old daughter, so the inspiration may be lagging.

The flavour, BTW, is much stronger than wild boar and a lot less piggy. Probably closer in many ways to a gamey venison. Think next time I'll either bread and fry some thin schnitzel-like pieces or do a nice ragu, much as the knowledgeable posters suggested...It's strong enough that I'd be inclined to do more of a ragu than a cacciatore, maybe some porcini in there...
Burnt O. March 8, 2011
innoabrd - Being new here, I am ashamed to admit that I thought this was a joke when I first saw it posted, and then I saw your profile. How extraordinary! Please let us know how it turns out. I adore game, and I imagine this would be like a wild European Boar, but I know that warthogs are much smaller. Can you equate the flavor to anything? I would love to see your recipe for one of my favorite South African treats: Sosatie. I have a good one, and it's one of my favorite summer BBQ menu items. Deserves a lot more play here in the States - it's incredible.
ChefDaddy March 8, 2011
That's exactly what I do with wild boar pierino? Too Funny!
pierino March 8, 2011
I'm thinking warthog cacciatore over pappardelle. Dice up the meat and use seasoning like juniper berries, peppercorns, rosemary. Anyway, that's how I would attack that pig...
innoabrd March 8, 2011
Its pretty lean, which come to think of it isn't all that dissimilar to American pork these days!

I just don't cook much game, though I quite enjoy it. Hoping someone here who does will have useful tips!
Merrill S. March 8, 2011
Wow, wish I could help you, but have had no experience in this area. I've seen warthogs roaming the Serengeti, but never eaten -- or prepared -- one. But if it's the loin, I would think you could try a short, gentle braise. What's the fat content like?
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