Website keeps logging me off.
Hi. I noticed that when I visit Food52 now, the website redirects to a different place every time,, etc. This means I continually get logged out. I imagine you're just trying to handle the increased traffic to the website (which is great). Is there a way to do this where we don't have to continually log in?
And don't thank me, I'm just the messenger. It's our engineers Kfir and Jon that are doing the heavy lifting. You don't even want to know how hard they worked this weekend.
The way you have to keep logging in is far from ideal but we decided you'd all politely suffer through it for a few days in exchange for 1) a chance to have your recipe cooked on Martha's show, and 2) the opportunity for us to welcome hundreds of new talented cooks from Martha's community to ours.
In general, we're trying a lot harder lately to make the site speedier (which it certainly is today thanks to all the new servers), easier to use (have you noticed the "My Recipes" link in the upper right corner, more informative (this past Saturday's Feed52) and more exciting (Martha. Need I say more? ;-)
Fun stuff, huh?
(Yikes! You don't know what I'm referring to? It's all right here: )
Anyway, yes, with each return to the site you run the risk of landing on a different server and not being logged in. Rest assured, we hate this far more than you do as we spend ALL day on the site. And rest doubly-assured that by tomorrow everything should be back to normal. And rest triply-assured that the next time we have to handle a large amount of traffic, we'll do a better job of it so as not to make life harder on all of you. :-)