Question about posting recipes - technical support
As a relative newbie here, I have tons of recipes that need to be uploaded to my page. I like the recipe builder app. It can be tedious, but it's well thought out, and the standardized format across all recipes is welcome indeed. Given that, it can take a chunk of time to post a recipe. I rarely have 1 and 2 hour chunks of time. 15 minutes here and there, or when I'm watching TV before bed is welcome. Is there a way to save a recipe as "draft" and return to it later, rather than publishing an unfinished recipe for later editing?
In the meantime, you can put the quantity in the quantity box, skip the measurement pulldown, and then put the type of measurement in front of the ingredient in the Item box. So, instead of:
[1] [yolk] [of an egg]
it would be:
[1] [ ] [egg yolk]
That'll show up in the recipe all purty-like. I promise!
First of all, apologies to BurntOfferings for the lost work last night. As mentioned elsewhere on the 'Pickle, we've had a bumpy few days on the technical side of things. By Noon tomorrow things *should* be back to normal.
Second, when entering *anything* lengthy and tedious online, I *always* make sure to have a copy in Word, email, Notepad... something! 'Cause the web can be a bumpy place and it *stinks* when you lose your work.
Third, the idea of saving recipes in "draft" mode is an interesting one that's apparently been mentioned in the past but I'll be honest, it's a new one for me... but then again I've only been here for 8 weeks. I'll talk to the engineers about it and see where we can squeeze it in on our (VERRRRYY long) to-do list.