Can you be more specific with "green chili peppers" please? Texas grocery stores have at least seven kinds of chilis that are green, none of which...
..., of course, are actually called "green chili". Even an indication of mild/hot would be really helpful
Recipe question for:
José Pizarro's Salt-Crusted Potatoes with Cilantro Mojo
JenicaFebruary 4, 2019
Thanks for your feedback, guys. I appreciate it! And I do go with what I like, but sometimes I really want to taste/experience the dish that the person who created it meant for it to be, so I wish they would be more specific. It's like listing "vinegar" as an ingredient and not thinking it's necessary to specify what kind.
SmaugFebruary 4, 2019
I tend to agree with you, but I think that hot peppers are an exceptional case because we develop a tolerance for capsaicin with exposure; the experience that someone who grew up eating blazing hot foods will have of a particular dish will not be the same as mine. For instance, the fruity flavor of Habanero peppers is extoled widely by those accustomed to them; I can't taste it at all past the heat. Parenthetically, some of the seed companies are advertising low heat peppers with the Habanero flavor- I'm thinking of trying one of them this year.
TtrockwoodFebruary 3, 2019
I can’t handle spicy stuff but did want to include some green so i made this using shishitso peppers which was delicious but not spicy
SmaugFebruary 1, 2019
It is indeed maddening- all peppers start out (and practically all are commercially harvested)green and some people call all peppers chilis, so it could be just about anything. I THINK when people do this they usually mean jalapenos, but I'd use whatever you like or have, they all go fine with potatoes. No telling what someone who stocks muscatel vinegar is going to have by way of peppers.
NancyFebruary 1, 2019
Jenica - When I encounter such maddeningly vague directions I regard it as an invitation to choose what I like, or what's available, make the recipe once, taste, rinse & repeat.
In the comments, one person used serrano chile and found that level of heat perfect (Scoville rating 10,000-30.000 or low medium heat).
Depending on your tastes, start there or adjust to taste.
In the comments, one person used serrano chile and found that level of heat perfect (Scoville rating 10,000-30.000 or low medium heat).
Depending on your tastes, start there or adjust to taste.
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