Which wine would you pair with black cod miso?

I am thinking Condrieu or fruity Pinot Noir...



Frederick May 9, 2019
I just noted your thoughts about a Condrieu. Great idea, please let us know your findings. I would be curious if the per-fumy noise over powers the delicate flavor of the cod and the Miso.
Frederick May 9, 2019
I would suggest an Alsatian Gewurztraminer., they tend to be a bit dryer yet maintain some of the fruit that would pair well with both the cod and Miso. Trimbach , comes to mind.
ChefAnnie April 5, 2019
If there is wine in the dish recipe, choose a good one and serve the same wine to drink. Guaranteed good pairing.
LeBec F. March 23, 2019
that is a terrific succulent unique-fish dish; i loved when my catering clients would choose it. but wine? i would go w a dry chilled sake like Winter Warrior, or an infused vodka-lime gimlet. i.m.o. soy sauce,miso,sake kasu do not play well w/ wine. frown face.
great entree, queeny!
Nancy March 23, 2019
Agree with Mindy's comments in favor of sake or vodka, and about the difficulty of pairing wine & miso-dominated dish.
In a way, this very fine chart of wine pairings for Japanese food agrees - there are often no wine suggestions for miso dishes. But one is a Sauternes, which seems too rich & sweet to go with the miso sauce.
Another list suggests various (Belgian or sour) beers for ramen, including for a miso ramen. There might be ideas for you here.
QueenSashy March 24, 2019
Agree on all counts, but I am serving it as a part of a multi-course dinner and all other courses are paired with wine, so I felt that bringing sake or beer into it would be a bit too much mixing. Therefore the trouble. Ugh... Should I just go with nothing? Btw - it's totally my favorite dish, it's jut like perfect :)
Nancy March 24, 2019
OK, Queen Sashy, so this is a dinner party issue, not just pairing for one dish.
One of the great rules of wine is to try anything you like once. Do you have time to test drive the dish and wine before the party? If not, why not go ahead anyway.
From experience with aromatic Asian dishes (either India or Thailand) I find a dry Riesling or a Gewurtztraminer works well.
The miso has some but not a lot of aromatics.
Maybe the Condrieu would work better than Pinot Noir.
Good luck, and please tell us how the party turns out!
LeBec F. March 24, 2019
queeny, i think it makes perfect sense that this course, amongst other wine-paired courses, stay cohesively unique- both the food and beverage as one unique unit.
so the winter warrior [bonus:enchanting mini frosted blue bottles]would be my choice.
my catering thoughts: the cold sake avoids the extra work of serving heated sake// after deciding the budget components, and the quantity guests would likely consume during the course* ,pour the sake to 2 or 3 guests, leaving sake remains in their reach. serve sake in sake cups or any number of cute subs: shot glasses, mini ramekins, egg cups......**

* i think i might, for this course, drink a max of 4 sake cups
** you could make the switch from wine to sake- all the more memorable by building a little fanfare around it. Idea: each guests's table setting includes a sake cup, pouch-tied in semi-transparent tissue paper. when the previous course is cleared, guests are instructed to claim and unwrap their surprise. In each sake cup will be a fortune, printed by hand or machine, OR a fortune cookie that yields a fortune.
once the fortunes have been read and/or shared, the sake will be served , followed by the food.
p.s. if someone questions 'sake and fortune cookies'??
just answer enthusiastically, 'FUSION!'
Surely alotta luv goin down for this dinner, Q. What lucky guests.
QueenSashy March 24, 2019
Oh this is precious :) I do hope that no one from my party is on F52, because this will spoil the surprise.
Philippe B. May 22, 2019
In the past I have served this dish with sake and with an Alsatian reserve Pinot Gris. Last night we had this cod at Moonshadows in Malibu and chose En Route’s
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