Gluten Free Adaptation

Hello Emiko,
I am gluten intolerant. I was wondering if you’d recommend using some sort of gluten free flour as an alternative to the regular AP flour in this recipe, or if you’d recommend something else like potato or rice flour. I am in love with your Torta di Noci recipe, so any cake recipe you post with nuts, I’d immediately like to jump on and try!

Thank you so much.

  • Posted by: elisa
  • April 1, 2019
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Emiko April 1, 2019
Hi! I haven't tried this yet with a gluten free flour but I imagine it would work just fine with a gluten free flour to replace the regular flour. Or simply do it without, just like that Torta di Noci recipe (I love it too!) -- in that case, I'd make it more like the Torta di Noci, as you won't need as much liquid (the milk and coffee).
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