Can grape juice be substituted for wine? When Meyer is recommended can any lemon be used?



Smaug June 6, 2019
I can't think of a lot of situations where subbing grape juice for wine would be appropriate, it's generally way too sweet and, even if it's the same varietal, the flavors are far apart. Meyer lemon is a cross of a lemon and a mandarin- the flavor is more floral and not as tart, as might be expected- a substitution is usually not disastrous but if it's at all featured in the dish the result will be considerably different.
Nancy June 6, 2019
Agree with Smaug's comments...the dishes will be different when using replacement ingredients, but still possibly tasty if - for whatever reasons - you don't use the original wine or Meyer lemon.
For wine in a sweet dish, I would use de-alcoholized wine or quality white grape juice. In a savory dish, maybe diluted vinegar.
For Meyer lemons (fruit or juice), I would use half and half orange/lemon.
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