Can filberts (hazelnuts) be replaced with almonds in a meringue recipe?

  • Posted by: SF
  • June 7, 2019


Smaug June 7, 2019
Filberts seem to be much more popular in Europe than in the US. I'm not fond of them- partly, I think, because the quality of the nuts available here is dicey- and usually end up substituting, often with almonds, though strictly speaking I think walnuts or pecans would be closer.
Lynn C. June 7, 2019
Hello SF... any nut that can be ground down without turning into a paste can be substituted in a meringue. Almonds are most common so would be a good replacement (think macarrons). You'll get a similar texture but the taste will be subtly different, just as you'd expect from eating the different fresh nut varieties. A dacquoise cake (which is a meringue and nut cake) actually uses 50:50 hazelnuts and almonds - I mention this as it shows they can be used in the same way 💚
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