Bite size/ mini desserts needed

Need a mini hand held and healthy-ish dessert for an appetizer party this Saturday. Ideas are welcome!

Jennifer W


HalfPint June 18, 2019
I would do fruit skewers if you want healthy.

Lately, I've been on a chia pudding kick. My company cafeteria has these small cups of chia seed pudding made with coconut milk, sweetened with a little honey, and topped with blueberries and toasted coconut. Love it so much, I researched and make my own with agave syrup and whatever fruit is in season. There's no cooking involved so it's super easy.
BerryBaby June 18, 2019
I buy the chocolate mini shells and fill them with lime yogurt and a shaving of dark chocolate on top. Guests love them and are surprised when so tell them the filling is yogurt.
Suggestions: Strawberries dipped in dark chocolate and sprinkled with coconut (optional)
The same can be done with bananas and pineapple. A display of all 3 is impressive.
Dates stuffed with cream cheese and drizzled with honey.
Little skewers of fresh fruit with fresh mint leaves.
Stephanie B. June 18, 2019
If you've got the equipment and they wouldn't be too casual for the occasion, some sort of fruit popsicles might work? I can't recall any specifically but I know I've seen frozen yogurt and fruit popsicles that looked nice, sounded good with a fruity/creamy yogurt contrast, and also sounded healthy because well, yogurt + fruit. You could also check out the food blog love and lemons for ideas (filter a recipe search for desserts since most of the food is savory). It's not exactly an endorsement, but I always skip over their desserts because they sound too healthy lol (good savory food though), but they might be right for this occasion.
Nancy June 17, 2019
Ok, now I understand the context.
In general, desserts are loaded with sugar, fat and calories...2 of which are needed by the body, all of which are unhealthy when eaten in excess.
Just by serving bite-size portions you are already taking a big step toward a healthier dessert.
Most fats (except hydrogenated) are good for the body.
Dried fruit, especially dates, are high in sugar so use in moderation.
Two specific ideas for you...
• mini cheesecakes made with a whole grain cracker crust instead of Graham crackers. Bake in mini muffin pans or on large pan and serve in paper cups.
• seasonal ripe fruit cut in bite sizes, dipped halfway in melted dark chocolate and chilled so the chocolate forms a nice firm half shell. Classic choices are strawberry and pineapple, but see what looks good in your markets a day or two before.
Nancy June 17, 2019
So we are giving answers that you can use, what do you mean by "healthy-ish dessert"?
Jennifer W. June 17, 2019
Hosts are very health-conscious, so Im thinking something low refined sugar perhaps utilizing dates, healthy fats etc.
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