Website question: Geographic directory?
I've only been active on the site since January, and couldn't be more enthusiastic about the concept, the community, and the cooks. Are there plans to create a geographic index of food52 members, or other ways to search for members (vegetarian, by profession, interest)?
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It seems like the general consensus is that people are *not* interested in our customizing the content to some degree... which is a bit odd because when I've discussed it in person with users they were enthusiastic about the idea. Maybe I chose my words poorly. Regardless, if we do anything along these lines you'll hear about it and be able to participate as you see fit.
As far as people having problems getting emails from us, I'd like to get some more feedback on that issue but I'd prefer to have that conversation in the other pickle that was opened. Please go take a look at this page:
I'd rather the effort went into making it easier to manage saved recipes, ie. being able to append my own tags or notes, things only I would see. The ability to categorize my saved recipes and search only within the recipes I've saved.
My vote is “no” to personalization.
Creeps me out that Food52 would be monitoring what an individual cook is interested in so that content could be *slightly* tilted towards what you think they like.
Unacceptable = following, noticing, targeting individuals likes and habits.
Peter, you wrote; as far as privacy, yes of *course* we would allow people to opt out of our customizing content to what we notice about their behavior. = Creepy….big brother!
Acceptable = targeting the overall % of *subject matter* Food52 has noticed by users as a whole.
How about a Food52 offering a site map, it would be great place for new cooks to the site, as well as the rest of us. A self-directed site map would give a sense of having autonomy; not subject to control from outside. The site map would be created out of what you at Food52 have noticed by users as a whole – and could include a geographic directory, too, among other things.
Anyway, thanks everyone…for the *brainstorming* discussion!
PS – FYI, I had to open a g-mail account in order to receive my messages (Outlook is not compatible).
I'd be another No to that kind of personalization. You have plenty of search tools, plenty of ways for people to tag, categorize, etc., to find what's of interest at the moment -- and yes, I want it all!
One issue I had was getting the hang of the site. Maybe a food 52.101? It took me a while to find out how things worked...and still learning.
Once I happened on something about 'meet-ups.' I couldn't find it again, but apparently people in some areas had gotten together...
And how about the contact the cook button? I've sent a few messages, don't know if they reached the person; and I remember a foodpickle about having trouble with this.
To answer Peter's question about tailoring content per user's habits, I would personally vote for "no." One reason is that weird Big Brother feeling I get when using gmail and personalized offers show up in the margin. But another reason is I really enjoy that Food52 passes recipes (and stories and ideas) in front of me that I would never even think to look up. In other words I appreciate the randomness!
Or! Maybe it could be an option that one (knowingly) signs up for?
And the beauty of it is, if all the other things we publish catch your eye and you look at them, we'd see that you're interested in a diversity of things and we start offering you even more of a diversity.
Burnt Offerings, we *are* reading your mind. It's a feature we have in beta right now and hope to roll out to everyone by Summer. Sort of like a twitter feed of your brain. ;-)
Seriously though, I think we cover a fabulous diversity of topics and we all just naturally notice the things that appeal to us most.
As far as privacy, yes of *course* we would allow people to opt out of our customizing content to what we notice about their behavior. I swear on a stack of David Eyre's pancakes.
And I love Linda's idea about having us tag ourselves by where we live and our interests--it could make organizing meetups so much easier!
Thanks for all you do and the long hours you put in, Peter. You and all the people at Food52 have added a lot to my life and I'm very grateful to all of you.
As long as I have all of you I'd like to ask a question. If we started to pay a little attention to the *kinds* of recipes and content you looked at and create... and we noticed a pervasive theme... would you like it if we started to show you a little bit more content related to that theme?
For example, say we had a user named ChefBoyAreDee. And we noticed ChefBoyAreDee spent an inordinate amount of time looking at and interacting with all things Italian... he looked at more Italian recipes than the typical user, he tagged more of his recipes as Italian, he asked Foodpickles about Roma tomatoes and garlic presses, he entered 3 contests -- all of them with Italian recipes... clearly this guy is really into the Italian stuff. With that in mind, instead of the same all-encompassing mix of recipes and blog posts on the home page, we might include an extra Italian item or two. Note that we wouldn't hide any of the other content from ChefBoyAreDee, we might just... rearrange it a bit. Or highlight the Italian stuff somewhat. Or... we're not sure just yet. But the concept is as I describe: as we notice themes in an individual's use, we try to show you more related to that theme.
What do you think?
And for all of you telling me to stop working, well... that's life at a start-up. Late nights, long hours, little pay... but great food! :-)
and I also agree, time to go relax now.
Does that help?
What an interesting pair of ideas! And I can honestly say, they're both new ideas to me. We have a massive set of improvements in the early planning stages now -- I'll add these to the list to evaluate.
And for those who are dying to know what we're going to be improving, know that the speed of the site is our very first priority.