Can’t fry my fried chicken—what’s the best alternative?

An unexpected rain storm means that I cannot make fried chicken outside as planned for today’s holiday (and I don’t have a deep fryer for doing it indoors). The chicken is already marinating, and I’ve got my seasoned flour ready; should I put it in the oven and, if so, what’s the suggested taking method? It’s about a pound of chicken (for two of us).



Liz D. July 4, 2019
I heat a heavy sheet pan (or you could use a cast iron skillet) in a 425 oven, pull it out, put a dab of oil in each spot where chicken will go & smear it around a little. Put floured chicken pieces on oil spots, skin down, drizzle a little more oil over, and bake on lower rack of oven until done, about 40-45 minutes for chicken thighs. You can turn pieces halfway through, but I like to leave the skin side down, it gets really crisp. It's still going to smell up the house a bit but at least the oil mess is contained
inpatskitchen July 4, 2019
I like to pan fry and brown...and then bake. Here's my recipe:
adambravo July 4, 2019
That sounds delish but I’m worried about the smell of hot oil permeating the house—that’s why I always fry stuff outside using my grill’s side burner.
inpatskitchen July 4, 2019
You could try this one:
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