How much olive oil, vinegar & arugula? Recipe error not showing amounts?

  • Posted by: NeecieB
  • July 15, 2019


Nancy July 15, 2019
Yes sometimes recipe writers (here and elsewhere) accidentally leave out amounts, or even whole items from the ingredient list.
But that's not what happened her.
The recipe writer used words (splashes, dashes, bunches) that deliberately don't specify amounts.
That style means exact amounts aren't important and that the choice is up to you.
Make your decisions - how much to use - based on what you have, what your store calls a bunch, how much you like or don't like arugula, what your taste-buds prefer in oil and vinegar.
If you like it, repeat.
If not, not.
If you like it, but not so much, adjust the amounts up or down the next time you make it.
Have a good time with experimenting!
Nancy July 15, 2019
2nd sentence should read "That's not what happened here."
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