I have a jar of marinated artichokes and was wondering if it is okay to use this same marinade again for mushrooms?

Isabel Davies


Kristen W. July 24, 2019
My understanding is that once a vegetable is marinated or pickled in anything acidic, some of the liquid from the veg will leech into the marinade/pickling liquid. If you re-use the marinade/pickling liquid it will therefore have more water content and a) be more diluted and b) potentially have less effectiveness as a preservative. That said, I re-use pickling liquid sometimes out of laziness (but we’ll call it efficiency!) and it works but just a little less well than the first time around.
Isabel D. July 24, 2019
Hi Kristen. Good to know and makes sense. Yes, efficiency sounds a lot better than laziness, lol!
Kristen W. July 25, 2019
Hi Isabel, wanted to make sure it was clear that I wasn’t trying to imply that you were lazy - was only making fun of myself!
Isabel D. July 25, 2019
Hi Kristen... I certainly didn't take it that way, just found it comical. Have a good one!
Emma L. July 23, 2019
Hi Isabel! Fun idea—that should work fine. I'd just keep them in the fridge and use them within a week.
Isabel D. July 24, 2019
Hi Emma. I was just considering it because I'm unable to buy marinated mushroom around here where I live. I then looked up a recipe and figured since I had the artichokes on hand why not use that marinade instead of making one. As Kristen (above) mentioned it's efficiency and not laziness. Thanks, ladies!
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