My mother has a Green Pan and in spite of all our efforts it sticks like mad. She says all her friends who have it say the same. What's wrong?!

Helen Morrissey


SP April 17, 2024
I have a very similar experience with my greenpan that I bought last year. I do not like the taste of grapeseed oul. I use olive oil for almost all my cooking with some exceptions where I use mustard oil. I cook in low to very low heat and only use silicone, plastic or wooden spatulas/spoons. But any food I cook tends to stick to the pan. The whole point if getting a non-stick is lost.
Customer-Care September 19, 2019
Hi Helen! I'm really sorry to hear that. If your mother writes [email protected], we'd be more than happy to help—it could be that she needs a replacement. In the meantime, here are some tips on caring for GreenPans that I usually like to share:

— Use a high-smoke-point oil (like grapeseed) over olive oil as often as possible (but especially for high-heat cooking)
— Use these on low or medium heat (at least most of the time)
— Always preheat the pans before adding ingredients
— If you do find food sticking, adding a little water can help loosen things up
— Use wooden or silicone utensils
— Wash and dry by hand

All said, if you do find your pan sticking, we suggest emptying any loose food, partly filling the pan with warm soapy water, and letting it come to a quick boil—then turn off the stove and leave it to cool. After cooling the burnt food should be easily wiped away.
Helen M. September 23, 2019
Thanks - unfortunately she did not buy the pan in the US. In spite of my impatience, she is always hassling me about the low heat thing, so I think she has consistently used as instructed, but I will try the water thing next time. Thanks for your response!
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