I do not use butter with meat. For the turkey recipes, can I substitute olive oil.

Eleanor grosz


creamtea November 2, 2019
Yes, you certainly can use olive oil in place of butter listed in some recipes (I also do not mix milk products at a meal with meat). I find that turkey has a good deal of natural fat on the surface of the skin already, so I don't add additional. I salt the bird 2-3 days ahead (per the wonderful Russ Parsons/Judy Bird method described on this site https://food52.com/recipes/15069-russ-parsons-dry-brined-turkey-a-k-a-the-judy-bird).
I find that mixing a blend of aromatics (a special variety of sweet pink onion, diced, and some minced garlic) with olive oil and a squeeze of lemon, stuffed under the skin, makes for a delicious and juicy bird with a crispy skin. The juices from the onions under the skin baste and flavor the meat as they cook down. For a crispy skin, I don't baste.
Nancy November 2, 2019
Keep in mind butter sold in USA is roughly 80% fat and 20% water (percentages vary, some little bit is milk solids).
So to convert a recipe to another fat that's 100% fat, use only 4/5 the original amount.
And have some broth or water on hand for basting as needed (to replace the 20% that was water).
HalfPint November 2, 2019
You can use just about any other fat. It will not have the same flavor, but it should still taste good and provide moisture.
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