How much chipotle peppers in adobo sauce for this recipe?

I have a can in the pantry and I'm away a little goes a long way. So I wondered about how much would be safe for this recipe. Thank you.

  • Posted by: Jacob
  • January 11, 2020
Weeknight Chili
Recipe question for: Weeknight Chili


Happygoin January 12, 2020
If I don’t use a whole can (I never do!) I freeze the remainder in single servings. They thaw quickly in the microwave. I add them to homemade hummus, chili, enchilada....lots of things!
Alexandra S. January 12, 2020
I would start with one. Mince it up and add it. If you want more heat, mince up another one. I think 1-2 for this recipe is a good starting point.
Nancy January 12, 2020
First, the chipotles are low heat, relative to other chilies.
Still, if you want to use them, start with a small amount (say, one tablespoon for the whole recipe).
Put the remainder in a covered glass or plastic container and store in the fridge.
Cook the chili recipe; taste and add more chipotle if you like.
I might also consider them a replacement for the chili powder, and omit that.
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