Please clarify "2 cakes pasta shells smallo one" in the ingredients list.

Ann Hupe
Recipe question for: sauage and escarole soup


Nancy March 17, 2020
I'm not sure what the recipe writer meant.
But 2 lb of dry pasta sounds like a big amount - it will serve 10 or more.
Maybe start with 1 lb dry, see how much volume that cooks up to, then add more if you want.
Joanna S. March 17, 2020
Looking at this again, I actually wonder if “cakes” was meant to be “cups”—so 2 cups dried pasta?
Nancy March 17, 2020
Who knows?!
Or maybe just a typo.
Let each person cook with a starter pasta amount they like, and add more as needed.
Or, locate a similar recipe and compare.
Ann H. March 17, 2020
I think you're correct. Two cups should be the correction. (Can someone do this?) It could be a wonky self-correction effort by the person's computer, you know, and the contributor didn't manually proof-check it. Thank you very much.
Joanna S. March 16, 2020
Oh no, my guess is that "cakes" is a typo here. Maybe 2 pounds small pasta shells? Seems like the recipe yields a lot, so I'm betting 2 pounds of pasta is correct.
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