What can I do to De-Salt my Pork Patties ??

I made a 3 lb. amount of pork and apple patty mixture but added too much salt. What can I do to fix them before forming the patties to freeze [and eat a few tonight]?? Would Red's Mill Potato Flakes or Potato Starch be fairly undetectable? Better idea? Th you.
le bec fin

LeBec Fin


HalfPint March 23, 2020
My Auntie desalinates store-bought frozen meatballs by briefly simmering them in water, drain, and discard the water. Frozen store meatballs are too salty for her, so she does this whenever she's making her teriyaki meatballs (which are so good). I think you can so the same for the pork patties that you will be eating tonight.

For the patties that you freeze, I think you can leave them as is. Freezing can degrade flavor in food. I can't recall where I read it, but freezing can knock down the flavor of food by half. That's why there is so much salt in commercial frozen foods. In order for the food to taste as good after it is thawed and heated, producers have to add more salt to make up for the loss in flavor. Try it and see if the patties taste less salty after freezing. If not, you can always parboil per the above instructions.
LeBec F. March 24, 2020
hey there, Full Gallon!! That is really terrific info for the future. As I replied to Gammy, i did find another 'solution' this time.
le bec fin
LeBec F. March 24, 2020
p.s. i've been using a cold water version of the soaking idea to desalinate Salmon Roe, per my recent recipe:
Gammy March 23, 2020
Crazy idea here, who knows if it might work.... what if you formed the mixture into fairly thin manageable slabs (1/2"ish) and chilled them, either in the fridge (or freezer for 15 minutes or so) and then rinsed them off under cold running water and laid them on paper towels to absorb the water, THEN gently rework into your thicker patties? I think it might just pull enough of the salt from the mixture to correct the issue without adding other ingredients to the mixture. Do let us all know what works for you.
LeBec F. March 23, 2020
I read from the Bob's Red Mill site that potato flakes can be added to meat loaf and that 1 cup could have been used in my 3 lb. pork mixture. But, get this, the potato flakes are sold out in all the local sources! So I added 1 tsp. maple syrup to each patty and that did the trick of balancing the patty flavor away from salt!
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