Can’t clean off crusted on remnants of seared pork roast

How can I clean/scrub cast iron off crusted remands of pork roast.

Food odyssea


creamtea May 11, 2020
When I had burnt-on food (cooked-on pita dough and burnt olive oil!) just last week, I contacted the maker of my cast iron pan, who said to deglaze it on top of the the stove, with water. This worked very well. I rinsed it and dried it and put it on the flame to dry out, then rubbed with a little oil like I always do. It's fine now though a touch darker!
creamtea May 11, 2020
When I had burnt-on food (bread dough and burnt olive oil!) just last week, I contacted the maker of my cast iron pan, who said to deglaze it on top of the the stove, with water. This worked very well. I rinsed it and dried it and put it on the flame to dry out, then rubbed with a little oil like I always do. It's fine now though a touch darker!
Gammy May 11, 2020
Couple of things I might try... 1.) use a copper (or metal) scrubbie on the remains. 2.) soak for 10 minutes in warm water to loosen, then try the scrubbie, but don't leave in water for too long or you might encourage rust. 3.) put in oven to burn off. And you will probably need to re-season anyway afterward any of these methods.
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