Does it have to be baked in loaf pans or can it be baked like a louse?

  • Posted by: MegC
  • May 31, 2020
  • 1 Comment
Whole Grain Sourdough Rye Bread
Recipe question for: Whole Grain Sourdough Rye Bread

1 Comment

Stephanie B. May 31, 2020
Hi Meg! I don't see why you can't bake it like a boule, but I definitely don't know how to bake it like a louse ;) I tested this out without the bread pans when I developed this recipe, and while I prefer the bread pans because I wanted a sandwich loaf shapes, you can do a boule. I will warn you it is a very wet, sticky dough and the pan helps it hold shape.

I recommend adding about 3/4 of the water and see how the dough feels, leaving out some water may help shaping. Also be sure to handle the dough with thoroughly wet or oiled hands to minimize the dough sticking to your hands while you're trying to shape.
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