You're onto us, Mrs. L! I just noticed this too -- the Runners-up filter is actually broken at the moment but the tech team will fix it as soon as they have time.
Kristen, I noticed that when you do search for things, and enter a search term into the box, no results show up for the Runner's Up. So for example, if you search for recipes using "vanilla", there are 27 Contest Winners but no Runner's Up. Could we get the RU category to show up in our searches as well, instead of having to scroll through all the EPs?
The RUs do appear, though, when you're using the "browse by category" selections.
Sorry you're finding them tough to find! Did you know that you can filter any recipe search so that you only see the Editors' Picks? Go to; search for, say, "cake" or "pasta"; then look to the left under "Refine results by".
The RUs do appear, though, when you're using the "browse by category" selections.