Rice Krispies in rested cookies

A friend of mine and I are developing a recipe for a chocolate chip cookie that has a relatively small amount of Rice Krispies, adding an unexpected crunch to the whole thing. The problem is that when we rest the dough overnight, the Rice Krispies get soggy (thus ruining the effect they are there to produce). Does anyone have any ideas on how to maintain the resting of the dough AND the crunchiness of the Rice Krispies?



Nancy June 22, 2020
Sounds like an interesting cookie.
Two ideas -
Rest the dough overnight without the cereal, and then mix them it just before shaping the cookies. Then bake.
Rest dough and shape the cookies without the cereal. Then press it into the top of the cookies and bake.
Looking forward to hearing the results and seeing a photo.
papergal June 22, 2020
Firstly, thank you!

The problem we run into is that after refrigeration the dough is too hard to be malleable enough. We could let the dough come to room temp, but would that be food-safe? We've been working on this recipe for a couple of months, tweaking everything, but neither of us are trained (or even very experienced) bakers, so we are really flying by the seats of our pants!
Nancy June 22, 2020
Papergal -
A few more thoughts.
Refrigerated abdcfrizen foods may safely be a
Held in room temp atmosphere up to two hours - enough time for dough to soften a bit.
Or, maybe sprinkle a few Rice Crispies on the cookies just after baking?
Last, is the rice-ness or the crunch more important?
If the latter, consider another source of crunch.
Good luck.
papergal June 22, 2020
I think we will try to see what happens if we let it sit at room temp, if that allows us to work with the dough enough.
papergal June 22, 2020
I think we will try to see what happens if we let it sit at room temp, if that allows us to work with the dough enough.
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