What can I sub for Parsley Hubby cannot eat most green veggies?

My husband cannot have parsley.. So wll this totally affect the consistency of the base if i do not use it? Help please. Also how Much? measurements please of the rhubarb. I have thin and large stocks growing.

Leslie VB


Nancy July 6, 2020
Leslie, a few suggestions.
One lb rhubarb is about 6 cups or 15 stalks, so 4 stalks would equal about 1/4 lb or 1 1/2 cups.
If your husband can't have most dark greens, just omit the parsley.
Or, if you want a similar stew but with other vegetables, make an eggplant lamb khoresh (recipes at this and other sites).
Gammy July 5, 2020
Not familiar with the dish, but is very intriguing! There is a cup of parsley called for, so it is definitely more than a green garnish. I think the flavor would definitely change, but what about subbing in baby spinach or baby kale, either would be a fairly mild addition to keep the consistency more like a stew.
Leslie V. July 6, 2020
Gammy..He cannot have any dark green veggies or herbs,esp Kale...a no-no. . ..because of a medication he is on.. Thanks tho.
Gammy July 6, 2020
I'm sorry. Dietary restrictions can be tough to work around can't they. Hope you can find something that works for him.
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