Baking dish or pan instead of ramekins

Hi! Any suggestions for making it in a baking dish or pan? Since I don't have so many ramekins? Thanks! Tere.

  • Posted by: Tere
  • August 25, 2020
  • 1 Comment
Crème Caramel
Recipe question for: Crème Caramel

1 Comment

Nancy August 26, 2020
Looking over some old recipes for creme caramel, i was reminded why most people don't make it in a large single casserole - there is a tendency or high risk of the custard breaking when you remove it from the pan.
If this risk is ok with you, go ahead, using an ovenproof casserole about 1.5 to 2 quart size.
Alternatives -
• use various ovenproof bowls of about the right size, even if they don't match
• consider buying a set of ramekins, which are useful for many purposes
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