forgot to put ricotta cheese in eggplant lasagna

Layered 14" x 10" x 3" deep glass pan with Panko covered eggplant, sauce, and mozzarella cheese. Made 2 pans, but forgot to put the ricotta cheese in. The first pan is baking, how can I add the ricotta cheese to the uncooked second pan?

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1 Comment

Nancy October 7, 2020
Two possible ways I can think of...cook either covered wuth foil most of the baking time to prevent drying or burning. Uncover for last 15 minutes or so.
1) Puree the ricotta and pour all over the top of second pan.
2) push some of the layered but uncooked pan aside & add a single layer of ricotta in the middle. Smooth down the disturbed layers...should be fine as they all cook together.
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