I work with a recipe for vegetarian burgers (kebabs) that I try to cook on a charcoal stick. However, they do not come out very tight so that they rol

I work with a recipe for vegetarian burgers (kebabs) that I try to cook on a charcoal stick. However, they do not come out very tight so that they roll on the stick and their texture is very soft.
As a stabilizer I use gum arabic and tapioca starch and to eliminate a lot of moisture I use phrygana (I have tried flour or oats but they become very sticky).
What else as a material or technique can I do to remove moisture and especially to get them tighter ??

Maria Economides


Lori T. October 28, 2020
What you need is a binder, not just something to absorb moisture. The most common thing to use is egg, but that might be objectionable to some. You can try egg replacements though- things like flaxseed meal or wheat germ. I've also read some recipes that suggest using miso paste as a binder. You might want to start with a sort of panade, and then add the veggies to it. As far as removing liquid- that's probably a matter of cooking the veggies to remove as much as you can beforehand. I certainly wouldn't boil them to do that. Roasting might be a better bet for some, and steaming for others.
Maria E. October 28, 2020
Thank you very much for your thoughtful response. How would I use panade (not really sure haven’t really used one) And not sure how to use the miso paste although it sounds very interesting
Maria E. October 28, 2020
The below result is what I’m aiming for so they stick and are not too soft and fall of the stick
Nancy October 27, 2020
Two idea for method, not ingredients.
Wrap kebab mixture in vegetable wrapper, then grill.
Cook on a flat griddle.
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