Deflated cake tops - anyone else have this problem?

I made this for the first time and doubled the recipe and baked in 2 aluminum 8" round pans. They seemed to bake fine, but after taking them out to cool, they look a little deflated with the top half of each layer looking like it sunk into the bottom with a narrower diameter on top. Any ideas why this happened?

Korean Fresh Cream Cake
Recipe question for: Korean Fresh Cream Cake


Irene Y. November 2, 2020
Hi Ali! Thanks so much for trying out this recipe! Agreed on all of the above that Lori said, and also for this cake it's very important to get the egg whites whipped as stiff as possible (but just before it gets to overbeaten). It's a delicate balance for sure, please let me know how it goes if you try again!
Lori T. October 31, 2020
The number one leading reason for a cake to sink in the middle while cooling is because it was underbaked. You cannot bake anything by the clock alone, you really do need to test the center of your cake before declaring it to be done. The center part of a cake is the last to bake through, and if it is not completely done, it cannot hold shape as the air escapes during cooling. So it sinks. Another problem may have been your decision to use 8 inch round pans, so the batter was spread in a thinner layer in them. Finally, check the viability of your leavener, to be sure it is still alive and active. An old bit of baking soda or baking powder can certainly undo good work. Other things which can play a small part- accurate measurements of all ingredients, accurate oven temperature, and not having batter sit for long before baking. Just a few things to consider - but most likely, you underbaked.
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