Holiday Swap reset for Springtime? (Instead of a makeshift Christmas...)

I think it would be nice if the Holiday Swap was a DO OVER - sometime in the Spring... I have heard through various people that they wished they could have sent a real gift, not just a recipe.



Miss_Karen January 11, 2021
Sometimes the receiver doesn't acknowledge or thank you for sending your items for Food52 holiday swap. It's a horrendous feeling. You spent time/ money putting it together just so and then feel like 'what was the point?' I have had this same experience more than once & I sympathize. I really do. This year especially.
luvcookbooks December 28, 2020
Being able to participate this year was a little anchor of stability in a shipwreck of a year. Those anchors helped me to survive. I loved the recipe option and would suggest recommending including a recipe or two with next year’s box, whatever else it might include!
Miss_Karen December 28, 2020
I collect recipes from a multitude of places. My cookie recipe folder weighs over 6 lbs! 🙂
I also include several recipes with every Holiday Sqwap box. In fact,my swapee this year got an entire cookbook of my cookie recipes. She said she was thrilled.
Brinda A. December 21, 2020
Hi Miss_Karen, thanks for the feedback. This year was difficult for many reasons, and we appreciate everyone's patience as we've had to adapt and make changes to just about everything, the Swap included. While we don't see a Swap in the cards for spring 2021 (it takes an enormous amount of coordination to plan, regardless of what form it takes—and there will still be a lot of question marks regarding COVID and community safety in the springtime), we hope next year's Swap (in October/November) will be able to go on as it has in years past. In the meantime, hope you were still able to exchange some creativity and joy with other community members this year.
AntoniaJames January 11, 2021
Brinda, is it too early, given the difficulties experienced by USPS this year, to be wondering what happened to our holiday swap items? I have yet to receive any acknowledgement from either of the two recipients of my gifts (recipes were sent to Canada by Priority Mail, which envelope was in fact delivered, according to USPS; and a lovely gift from the Food52 e-commerce business, which was also reported delivered) or to receive the recipes I expected. Thank you. ;o)
Brinda A. January 11, 2021
Hi AJ! Please email [email protected] with your inquiry and our swap organizer, Rebecca, would be more than happy to help you out! Thanks so much.
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