What brand of beef broth/bouillon do you use?

I wanted to try these but am having a difficult time finding the right beef broth/bouillon. Where did you find beef broth/bouillon that doesn't contain onion (toxic to dogs) or an excessive amount of salt (bad for dogs)? What brand should I look for? Thanks.

R. Luna
  • Posted by: R. Luna
  • January 2, 2021
  • 1 Comment
Dog Biscuits for Good Dogs
Recipe question for: Dog Biscuits for Good Dogs

1 Comment

Tara J. January 2, 2021
I use a bone broth. Generally I save bones and make my own broth by just boiling them. Old steak bones, rib bones, even leftover chicken carcass. I just boil it with some water and old veggie scraps. I let it cook down to condense a little more. But you can buy low sodium bone broth even at Aldi.
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