Curry Powder Question - Does Mandy make her own?

There are so many types of curry powders. What does Mandy use, does she make her own or is there an Asian version? Want the dish to turn out according to Mandy's palette! She IS Magnif!!!!

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HalfPint March 24, 2021
Try S&B curry powder. It is a Japanese curry powder, but I think it might be similar to what Mandy would use. It is pleasantly mild and user friendly.
wendyusa March 24, 2021
Wonderful as there are many variations in this spice. Thanks so much!
Emily K. March 23, 2021
Hi there! Great question—thanks so much for reaching out. While it's totally possible that Mandy has made her own, any store-bought curry powder should work just fine here. Hope you enjoy!
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