Chickpeas don't like me. What replacement would you recommend?

  • Posted by: J
  • August 21, 2021


Nancy August 23, 2021
I know soybeans are legumes, and isn't tofu made from them?
Rebecca F. August 23, 2021
Hi! Any white bean will work here instead of chickpeas. If you're looking for protein-based replacement that's not a legume, I'd recommend torn firm tofu.
MMH August 22, 2021
Israeli couscous
Nancy August 21, 2021
Also, if you can't tolerate many legumes, consider a starch as a replacement for the chickpeas...sweet potato, chestnuts or squash
drbabs August 21, 2021
If you don’t need it to be vegan, you could add cubes of roast chicken or cheese (cheddar, Gruyere).
702551 August 21, 2021
Bean recipes like this are pretty flexible: ultimately you should use whatever bean you (and your dinner table guests) prefer.

If you want to stay faithful to the aesthetics, you'll probably want a light colored bean such as navy, cannellini, or broad bean. Of course, you can use some exotic varietal but the recipe author's theme here is to use something inexpensive.

Best of luck.
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