Roasting Whole Yukon Potatoes?
Hey F52! We just ended up with a large bunch of yellow potatoes and I was wondering if they can be whole roasted like Russets? Any timing or prep considerations would be welcome. The internet is not being so helpful on this one.
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We prefer the flavor of Yukon golds over just about any other, so I'm happy to have this information. Doing a quick search for information, I found an article on, which included a screenshot of the Martha Stewart empire's Instagram post.
The Instagram-er recommends smashing the potatoes on the counter right after taking them out of the oven, and then pulling them apart with one's fingers to open them up for toppings. reports using 6 - 8 ounce potatoes when testing. Following the instructions provided by Marcia, they turned out perfectly.
I'm looking forward to trying this! Thanks again. ;o)
Enjoy, :)
While I try to grade my potatoes by size, there is always some sort of unevenness in the baking so I typically end up removing individual potatoes as they reach desired doneness. I generally stick a metal skewer/paring knife and judge doneness by how easily it penetrates the potato.
Sometimes I can't be bothered so I cook until the largest one is done.
An overbaked potato is far more acceptable than an underbaked one.
I will point out that I have purchased Yukon golds in a variety of sizes over decades. Some are basically twice the size as others. Don't look at a clock.
Best of luck.