Can the recipe be increased to be thicker?

I baked these in a 8x8 pan but ended up with brownies no thicker than a pancake. Has anyone tried increasing the recipe (without adding another Nutella jar) ? I am not sure how to go about this tbh.

  • Posted by: Assya
  • October 16, 2021
3-Ingredient Buckwheat Brownies
Recipe question for: 3-Ingredient Buckwheat Brownies


drbabs October 16, 2021
Yes, I think you could double it with no problem. The cooking time, of course will be longer. There’s another recipe on this site that’s similar— Those brownies also come out thin, but not pancake thin. So you might try beating the eggs and the batter more vigorously, as in those instructions, and see if you get more lift.
Assya October 16, 2021
Thank you for your help @drbabs. So would you double the eggs and flour and leave the Nutella amount the same? I think I will try that because Nutella is fairly expensive where I leave and since the flour amount is so tiny I don't imagine it will be a disaster... Crossing fingers!
drbabs October 16, 2021
If you don’t want to double the Nutella, I’d suggest you use one extra egg and 3/4 cup flour instead of doubling it. It’s going to come out cakier without the extra Nutella, but there’s no other leavening except the eggs— the Nutella is what gives it the fudge brownie like consistency. The Alice Medrich recipe I shared uses a combination of melted butter, sugar, vanilla, and cocoa powder (instead of Nutella). Maybe try that one first? I get that you don’t want to waste Nutella, but it might not turn out the way you want if you throw the ratios off too much.
Assya October 16, 2021
Thank you for the advice, I will definitely try the Alice Medrich recipe next time, it looks heavenly!
drbabs October 16, 2021
It’s the best. But the brownies are not thick.
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