A question about a recipe: Mama's Morels Fried in Butter

I did a preliminary run of the local groceries in princeton, NJ.. (wegmans & whole foods), all that they have right now is dried morels? will these work? and how much of the dried ones would I need to get the equivalent of the fresh ones?, better yet? can anyone guide me to where I cd find fresh ones.. so if I can't get them I don't want to hold up on anyone with access to these to try this awesome sounding recipe!

Mama's Morels Fried in Butter
Recipe question for: Mama's Morels Fried in Butter


Panfusine April 22, 2011
Oh dear... I'm going to have to wait to leave my testing notes with the comments.. I hope its not too late to get some one else to test this & give the recipe the appreciation it deserves. the minute I saw your options of spices & seasoning I went berserk with delight..
Let me write a note to the editors...
Thanks! -Panfusine
Erin J. April 22, 2011
Unfortunately, dried morels will probably not work. You'd have to rehydrate them which can complicate texture and the frying process.

We get our morels at local farm stands or farmer's markets from foragers. If not there, I would check smaller markets.

In Kansas, where I'm from, we start getting them in Early April through May. My mom says they should show up once "An oak leave is as big as a squirrel's ear", though I'm guessing that's not very precise :)
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