Xmas pudding question paper or not?

I’m making my own Xmas pudding this year - it’s getting too hard to find decent ones to buy. I used to use a ceramic bowl but the one best suited for that broke. I bought a metal pudding basin with a lid to replace, but I don’t know if I should butter it directly or use paper. Anybody done this?

  • Posted by: Inkywhat
  • December 16, 2021


AntoniaJames December 17, 2021
Yes, do butter it, and butter it generously. Although most puddings are full of fat, there are typically nooks and crannies in pudding molds that need to be well greased. Into my pudding mold that has a flattish bottom (the top of the pudding) I also put down a ring of paper, to make it that much easier to remove. On my mold with a pretty design there, I just butter it a bit more thickly. Good luck! ;o)
drbabs December 16, 2021
I think you can butter it directly. There’s a steamed pudding recipe on this site https://food52.com/recipes/7558-cranberry-molasses-pudding-with-vanilla-hard-sauce, and the recipe creator buttered the mold. I made that dessert ages ago, and I seem to remember that that’s what I did, too.
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