I have everything I need but the heavy cream.

Is there anything else I can use in place of the heavy cream?

  • Posted by: RaquelO
  • March 17, 2022
Cream Cheese Frosting
Recipe question for: Cream Cheese Frosting


drbabs March 17, 2022
I would use milk. Just add it gradually until the frosting has the consistency you want.
RaquelO March 17, 2022
Thank you!
Nancy March 17, 2022
The cream is a small amount...both logic and a few other recipes suggest milk will work instead of it. See, for example, a KAF recipe for cream cheese icing.
RaquelO March 17, 2022
Thank you! Wasn't sure if having a higher fat content would affect this recipe negatively.
Nancy March 17, 2022
RaquelO - did you make the frosting with the milk, and if yes, how did it work out?
RaquelO March 18, 2022
Hi Nancy. I ended up making something else. My kid didn't want me to go off-script!
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