Conflicting information on storing cucumbers that have been cut



Lori T. May 5, 2022
I use a round stretchy silicone cover over the cut end of the cucumber, which I have found really does a lot to help conserve one. I use only the European or seedless type of cucumbers, and the smallest size silicone cover fits nicely. Generally ours only have to hang about for no more than three days before being used entirely, and it works well for that time frame. I imagine it would work another day or so, but I couldn't say with certainty it always does. I also wipe down the cut surface and the peel with slightly diluted white vinegar, just to help reduce the bacteria load it carries.
AntoniaJames May 5, 2022
I put the cut cucumber into an airtight box, which I put in the crisper drawer, but use within a day or two (though I've had them last for 4 or 5 days). I find that the flavor of the cucumber starts to diminish once cut so I make it a point of using the cut piece as soon as possible. ;o)
drbabs May 4, 2022
I wrap the cut end, but I also try to use it within a day or two to avoid mold.
Nancy May 4, 2022
What advice - or advices - do you have?
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