Can I make city chicken with ground chicken? Sorry for previous errors.

Spices l shoud add?

  • Posted by: Ldoh
  • May 9, 2022


Nancy May 10, 2022
Have a good time making your retrofitted "City Chicken" with real chicken. Hope it tastes lovely.
If you have enough people for dinner, maybe make and serve both versions side by side.
I grew up eating and loving Welsh rarebit, the cheese version, and only much later discovered the name had originally been Welsh Rabbit, to suggest a meat component most people couldn't afford.
Similar to your Depression-era "City Chicken."
drbabs May 9, 2022
Is this the recipe? It calls for cubes of pork and veal, so if you want to substitute chicken, it would probably be best to cut boneless chicken breasts or thighs into cubes.
Ldoh May 10, 2022
TY, it was very good, added an egg and some breadcrumbs, garlic powder, s&p, then rolled in butter and parm breadcrumbs, fried on all sides and put in oven with foil and light roux
AntoniaJames May 9, 2022
What is city chicken? Do you have a recipe? Thanks! ;o)
702551 May 10, 2022
If you have a copy of "Joy of Cooking" or the "Fannie Farmer Cookbook" you already have the recipe.

The Food52 recipe from InPatsKitchen is very close to my Fannie Farmer version.
Ldoh May 10, 2022
Recommended by Food52