I have been making muffins latley, they are very tasty bur are quiet dry , any hintss

Rob Dallie


alan August 22, 2022
i've heard that putting the batter in the fridge overnight makes for moister muffins. try it.
Happygoin July 28, 2022
Without seeing specific recipes, it’s difficult to guess, but the first thing I thought of is to make sure you’re not over baking them.

Perhaps your oven runs hot. Try taking them out of the oven a couple of minutes sooner.
Nancy July 29, 2022
Agree with Happygoin - I, too, thought of overbaking.
Another suggestion to prevent that - get an oven thermometer and set your oven according to that, not according to the dial
Last, overbeating the mix may be a source of dryness. As with any recipe whose rise is coming from baking powder, it's best to mix quickly, even if not totally, pour immediately into baking pan, then place in oven. See attached article for more details.
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