Chickpea flour amount is needed for this recipe. Vegan chickpea sweet potato & yellow beets frittata

Please tell me asap. I have all the ingredients.

Sue Ann Johnson


702551 October 14, 2022
Consider punting on this recipe. The same question was asked in 2016 and remains unanswered to this day. This recipe wasn't posted elsewhere on the Internet and the author's website/blog is dead.

There are numerous errors in the recipe itself beyond the missing ingredient so it makes me question the amount of attention to detail this recipe author has.

If you are committed to making this recipe, try starting with a half cup of chickpea flour, observe consistency and maybe add a little more if you think the filling is too runny.

Take notes if you plan on making it again. You could even post your findings to help future readers of this recipe. These days many people online don't report back what did/did not work. I guess they don't feel like it's important to contribute back.

Anyhow best of luck.
Nancy October 14, 2022
Or look for another similar recipe on the web - there are many - that has the chickpea flour specified.
Choose a recipe from a site you know to be reliable and/or to have a test kitchen.
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