Turkey injection -worth it or not?

Has anyone ever used a turkey injector? Does it make a difference? Do you have a recipe for a marinade to inject that does not use butter?

  • Posted by: Elyssa
  • November 22, 2022


Lori T. November 22, 2022
I have injected wild and heirloom turkeys, because they just don't have the body fat of a modern turkey. I have also injected modern birds which were not previously brined or treated. But all my injection recipes use either oil or butter, because I think that's the best way to deliver the varied herbs and spice flavors to the meat. But there are recipes on the net that don't use fat, and a quick web search for them should get you quite a few ideas for a no butter/oil turkey injection recipe. On a smaller scale, I did inject a rather large chicken with one of this sort, based on honey, dark beer, herbs and garlic, which I smoked. It did very well, and the breast was nicely juicy. I don't know if that was due to the injection or the fatty bird though, if I am honest. But the meat was deeply flavored, and that was due to the injections. But when all is said and done- honestly it's just a lot easier and less messy to do the dry rub.
Elyssa November 23, 2022
Thanks for responding! Happy Thanksgiving.
Amanda H. November 22, 2022
I've used one when frying a turkey. We'd use chicken (or turkey) stock to inject into the meat to keep it moist, and it seemed to work, but I think a good dry brine would be an easier approach.
Elyssa November 22, 2022
Thank you for responding! I was talked into getting one so I guess I will try it. I’d love to hear if anyone else has tried it for roasting a Turkey.
Amanda H. November 23, 2022
Good luck and let us know how it works out! Happy Thanksgiving!
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