Question on leaving out the alcohol

Hi, it notes that you can make the recipe without the alcohol. Would the measurements for everything else remain if I do that? Would I increase the dairy? Thanks for sharing! It sounds delicious and hope to make it this Christmas season!

Katie D
  • Posted by: Katie D
  • December 5, 2022
"Spirits" of the Holidays Eggnog
Recipe question for: "Spirits" of the Holidays Eggnog


Katie D. December 6, 2022
Thank you for your suggestions!! I appreciate it!
702551 December 6, 2022
If I were in this situation, it is unlikely that I would add any more dairy. It's already a rich fat bomb as it is (dairy + eggs), I don't think it really begs for more. I know that I am in the minority as many Americans really would dig something ultra rich.

Subbing apple cider for the brandy is reasonable idea. You could even consider water to thin it out to a desired consistency.

Ultimately do what you think will please your guests. That's the most important thing for a party host/cook.
Lori T. December 6, 2022
If I were going to omit the alcohol, I would probably subsitute milk, rather than add in more cream - it already has roughly 5 cups of cream, and only one cup of milk as it is(Half and Half being half of each!) I might also consider using apple cider instead of the apple brandy. And if you would like the flavor of rum or brandy without the alcohol, I would suggest using an extract to mimic them. I like Dr. Oetker rum flavoring, and a brandy flavoring from Olive Nation or LorAnn. I think McCormick also makes both flavors, if you can find them.
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