I believe the first cooking stage at 370* is way too high. Maybe 270 instead.

Salty Balsamic Caramels
Recipe question for: Salty Balsamic Caramels


Lori T. December 10, 2022
Nope. You are taking that baby up to the dark caramel range, and hard crack temps- if you are brave and have nerves of steel. That gets you the brittle texture you want for this. 270F is soft crack, and gets you taffy textures. Sounds crazy, and takes firm resolve- but those temps are what are needed to get the results.
Sunnyporch9189 December 10, 2022
Your right. It looked too dark and was scary but decided to finish and glad that I did. The texture is perfect and the flavor has a distinct balsamic flavor. Unusual but yummy. Also the pan looked like it would never come clean, but a little soak in hot water and it cleaned right up. Scary but worth it.
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