Sounds delicious! Would 1% milk work

I can't believe nobody has made this recipe. Maybe you should post it again for all of the new Food52 members who, like me missed it. It looks and sounds delicious. I've never made a soufflé before. Would 1% milk work here?

Renee B
  • Posted by: Renee B
  • January 14, 2023
Lemon Cardamom Soufflé
Recipe question for: Lemon Cardamom Soufflé


Lori T. January 14, 2023
I don't see why it wouldn't. A soufflé relies on air to puff, not fat. If anything, I would expect a lighter fat content would make it lighter and airier in the mouth. But you won't know how you like it until you try it. If you do, let the rest of us know please. I am with you, and think this would be a wonderful dessert for spring and summer.
Renee B. January 14, 2023
Some directions are missing from the recipe (mixing butter and flour). I've decided not to make it.
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