Does this cake bake up the same when the recipe is halved?

Will this recipe work when halved and baked in two 8” cake pans

  • Posted by: Diane
  • January 30, 2023
Butter & Scotch's Birthday Cake
Recipe question for: Butter & Scotch's Birthday Cake


Nancy January 30, 2023
The original recipe calls for baking in 3 round pans 9 in diameter (each 8c, so 24c total volume).
Two round pans 8” diameter (6c each, so 12 c volume) won’t hold all the batter.
Look at a chart for baking pan volumes (many out there) and figure which pans you own could work.
If you don’t have the right size and only need pans for this cake, buy a few foil ones from the grocery or hardware store (good for more than one use).
Nancy February 2, 2023
Diane - my apologies for missing part of your question.
Yes, when halved and baked jn tei 8” pans it will work.
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