Hey, is there a way to make this recipe vegan? I absolutely love tea and I would love to try this.

Earl Grey Cake Doughnuts
Recipe question for: Earl Grey Cake Doughnuts


Moon_Vegan February 2, 2023
Instead of a powder could I use something like a unsweetened almond milk cuz I'm not sure I'm just confused with the powder thing that's all like all I can think of is flour yeah
Ben W. February 2, 2023
The whole milk powder is a pretty optional ingredient! You don’t necessarily have to use it.
Ben W. February 2, 2023
I’ve also seen cake recipes using arrowroot, you could totally try that as a base and see how it works. Soaked chia/flax seeds in place of eggs. Maybe a vegan yogurt to replace the sour cream.
Nancy February 2, 2023
Haven’t converted this recipe, but yes many others.
I would use a vegan powder (soy, rice or coconut) instead of powdered milk, a vegan sugar (white. If the brown is unavailable), and agave syrup or a kosher maple syrup instead of the honey
If you make these, please tell us what you used and how the results tasted.
Nancy February 2, 2023
Oh yes, soft tofu (puréed) or aqua faba instead of the eggs.
Nancy February 2, 2023
Last - replace dairy butter with vegan butter or neutral oil.
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