Missing items from recipe ?bsjdjdjdjdjdbdbsndjxjdjdjdjdjdjxjxnxbdndjdjxjd

Whats the grated item u add to the butter? Recipe only says butter garlic chili crisp. Butters already soft and in the bowl what did u grate in? Cheese? Whyy do i neeed to add more?? They question was asked. Super annoying

  • Posted by: Sonya
  • March 6, 2023
  • 1 Comment
Chili Crisp Grilled Cheese
Recipe question for: Chili Crisp Grilled Cheese

1 Comment

Happygoin March 7, 2023
If I'm reading the headnote correctly, the grated gouda goes with the butter, garlic and chili crisp. I think the author mis-wrote the recipe for this part.
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