Baguette Viennoise??? Not like I have ever seen.

I lived on baguettes viennoises when I was in France and I never saw anything like this. It seems more like Challah to me. Yes, les viennoises have an enriched dough but don't they start with a poolish? This looks lovely but, IMHO, it's just not a Baguette Viennoise.

  • Posted by: Caukie
  • May 17, 2023
  • 1 Comment
Baguette Viennoise
Recipe question for: Baguette Viennoise

1 Comment

Nicole D. May 19, 2023
Hi Caukie! Yes, the traditional Baguette Viennoise does look different but this recipe from Gamze M. ( puts a twist on it (pun intended!).
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